Encounter with Rivers

Exploring River Ecosystems
Understanding River Channel Designs

Rivers meander from high mountains to plains and then rush towards the sea, nourishing all life along their course with the gift of vitality. The rolling hills of Hong Kong are intertwined with over two hundred streams and rivers of varying sizes originating from the mountains. However, due to limited land and dense population, the lands along the lower reaches of these rivers are often developed, with various urban infrastructures hugging the riverbanks. Modern urban planning necessitates a balance between flood prevention and conservation to enhance flood resilience while also revitalising river channels and promoting ecological preservation.

We will take the public on tours of various rivers in the cities, providing first-hand insights into various river channel projects that involve the design and construction of river channels. While analysing the environmental and social development impacts of these projects, we will also explore the ecosystems of these rivers and discover a fascinating array of flora and fauna!

【Guided Tour Theme 1】

Yuen Long Bypass Floodway (Accepting applications all year round; limited to groups only)

Approximately 1.5 hours
Introduction to flood prevention works; understanding the relationship between flood prevention works and the conservation of Ramsar Site; exploration of wetland ecology
San Tin Stormwater Pumping Station ➔ Low Flow Pumping Station and Inflatable Dam located at Yuen Long Bypass Floodway ➔ Mangroves of Kam Tin River ➔ Nam Sang Wai Kam Tin River Estuary ecology

【Guided Tour Theme 2】

Yuen Long Bypass Floodway Eco Tour (Limited to November and December; limited to groups only)

Approximately 2 hours
Introduction to flood prevention works; on-site visit to Yuen Long Bypass Floodway Engineered Wetland; understanding the relationship between flood prevention works and the conservation of Ramsar Site; exploration of wetland ecology
San Tin Stormwater Pumping Station ➔ Low Flow Pumping Station and Inflatable Dam located at Yuen Long Bypass Floodway ➔ Yuen Long Bypass Floodway Engineered Wetland ➔ Mangroves of Kam Tin River ➔ Nam Sang Wai Kam Tin River Estuary ecology

【Guided Tour Theme 3】

Kai Tak River (Accepting applications all year round; limited to groups only)

Approximately 1.5 hours
Introduction to Kai Tak River Improvement Works; understanding the relationship between the works, conservation and social dynamics; exploration of river ecology
Lok Sin Road Footbridge ➔ Tung Kwong Road ➔ Choi Hung Road Leisure Corner ➔ Choi Hung Road ➔ Footbridge at Lower Wong Tai Sin (I) Estate

【River Works - Infographic】

Yuen Long Bypass Floodway
San Tin Flood Protection Scheme
Kai Tak River Improvement Works
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Little Egret perched next to a grasscrete in an artificial watercourse
Little Egret perched next to a grasscrete in an artificial watercourse
Little Egret perched next to a grasscrete in an artificial watercourse
Artificial watercourses filled with various kinds of plants