JC SMART - Scientific Methods for Achieving Reduction Targets

Mobilizing the Educational Community
Cultivating Green Citizens Among Students to Build a "Green Zero-Waste Hong Kong"

Hong Kong produces more than 10,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste every day. Preventing all this waste from clogging up the city requires the concerted effort of all sectors of society. In particular, the involvement of the educational community is crucial.

"JC SMART - Scientific Methods for Achieving Reduction Targets" was launched in July 2024 and is set to run for three years. The programme aims to provide full support to schools in promoting waste reduction education through the three aspects of campus waste audit, support for teachers, and student participation. The goal is to encourage students to practice sustainable living, nurturing them to become responsible green citizens that work together to build a "Green Zero-Waste Hong Kong".

Get to know the schools in "Green Schools for ZeroWaste" network
JCSMART | Campus Waste Audit
Campus Waste Audit

This programme is the first large-scale waste audit of primary and secondary schools. It aims to collect waste composition data from nearly 300 schools, with the goal of formulating more targeted waste reduction strategies for the educational community to achieve better waste reduction outcomes in the long term.

JCSMART | Teacher workshops and trainings
Student Participation

Multiple on-campus lectures, workshops, and visits will be organised throughout the year to provide students with diverse learning experiences, through which they may acquire a comprehensive understanding of the issue of waste and learn about sustainable living.

JCSMART | School Talks | Workshops | Visits
Support for Teachers

Throughout the year, workshops and trainings on various topics will be held to allow teachers to explore how to integrate “waste reduction” into different teaching areas. For the first time, on an appointment basis, dedicated on-campus training is provided to fully support teachers in promoting waste reduction education.

JCSMART | International Day of Zero Waste
International Day of Zero Waste

On the 30th of March every year, in conjunction with the “International Day of Zero Waste” of the United Nations, Hong Kong students will come together with the global community in a joint effort to address the issue of waste!

JCSMART | Teaching Kit | Waste Reduction
Waste Reduction Teaching Kit by "JC SMART - Scientific Methods for Achieving Reduction Targets"

Specifically designed to align with different learning areas and disciplines in primary and secondary schools, it offers various suggestions for waste reduction teaching activities, helping teachers to easily integrate “waste issues” into their daily teaching.

JCSMART | Food Waste Recycling in Pilot Schools
Food Waste Recycling in Pilot Schools

Ten pilot schools will test different food waste reduction solutions, playing a positive role in demonstrating how the educational community can address the food waste issue.

JCSMART | “Green Schools for Zero Waste” network
We will connect all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, together we will build the "Green Schools for Zero Waste" network and work together to reduce waste!
We sincerely invite all primary and secondary schools to join us in our waste reduction efforts! Please contact us for details about the programme and how to participate.

Schools in "Green Schools for Zero Waste" Network
(In alphabetical order)
Primary Schools
Asbury Methodist Primary School
Bonham Road Government Primary School
Buddhist Wong Cheuk Um Primary School
F.M.B. Chun Lei Primary School
Gigamind English Primary School
HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Lin  Association School
Kam Tsin Village Ho Tung School
Kowloon City Baptist Church Hay Nien Primary School
Kowloon Tong School (Primary Section)
KWWC Li Ping Memorial School
Marymount Primary School
Our Lady of China Catholic Primary School
PLK Fong Wong Kam Chuen Primary School
Pui Kiu College
Queen Elizabeth School Ols Students' Association Primary School
S.K.H. Kowloon Bay Kei Lok Primary School
S.K.H. Ling Oi Primary School
S.K.H. St. John's Tsang Shiu Tim Primary School
Society of Boys' Centres Chak Yan Centre School
St. Antonius Primary School
St. Paul's College Primary School
The Endeavourers Leung Lee Sau Yu Memorial Primary School
The Salvation Army Ann Wyllie Memorial School
Toi Sha Association Primary School
TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School
TWGHs Li Chi Ho Primary School
TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School
Secondary Schools
Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall)
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
Chinese YMCA Secondary School
Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School
Chong Gene Hang College
CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
CMA Secondary School
Cumberland Presbyterian Church Yao Dao Secondary School
Diocesan Girls' School
ECF Saint Too Canaan College
ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School
FDBWA Szeto Ho Secondary School
HKBU Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School (Secondary Division)
HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School
HKTA Ching Chung Secondary School
Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School
Kowloon True Light School
Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School
Lai Chack Middle School
Mu Kuang English School
Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School
PLK Wu Chung College
Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching (1984) College
Queen's College
Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College
Shung Tak Catholic English College
SKH Li Fook Hing Secondary
SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School
Society of Boy's Centres Hui Chung Sing Memorial School
St. Bonaventure College and High School
St. Paul's College
St. Peter's Secondary School
TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College
Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
Special Schools
Society of Boys' Centres Shing Tak Centre School
TWGHs Chi-Li Pao School

We welcome all primary and secondary schools to join us! Please
contact us for details about the programme and how to participate.