Urban Greening Programme

Clean air for the city Vibrant habitats for urban animals

The countryside makes up 40% of the land in Hong Kong. In contrast, there is only 20% of green coverage in the urban areas, which is relatively low due to a lack of green planning earlier. We are the first organisation to work on urban tree planting in Hong Kong. Our plan includes both horizontal and vertical greening, covering the planting of trees that are approximately three meters tall and various shrubs along pavements, central reservations, in schools and special facilities in the community.

Urban greening has numerous advantages. It can effectively regulate the micro-climate, lowering the temperature of the city. It helps to absorb air pollutants, providing cleaner air for the city. By adding touches of greenery to the densely populated urban landscape, the surrounding environment becomes more pleasant and enjoyable for its residents.

To enhance the urban ecosystem, we have specially selected native species from South China and Hong Kong to provide food and habitat for local small animals, birds, butterflies andother wildlife in the city.

Let's join forces to make our city greener!

We welcome all housing estates, campuses, and community facilities across the territory to join our greening movement. We will provide free support for the greening initiative, including design, construction, and maintenance. If you are a property owner or manager and wish to engage in horizontal or vertical greening, please click here to share your contact information and provide a brief description of your property. Our team will get in touch with you soon.
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