Sha Lo Tung is a rare freshwater valley wetland in Hong Kong. For hundreds of years, Sha Lo Tung was known for its ecologically rich river valley and thriving paddy farming activities. As time passed, the village population dwindled, and by the 1970s, all the villages were deserted and the paddy fields were wasted. In the 1990s, the freshwater wetland came into the public eye as an ecological treasure trove, with records of numerous rare dragonfly species including the first global discovery of South China Cruiser (Macromia katae) and Spangled Shadow-emerald (Macromidia ellenae). Thus began the ongoing conflict between development and conservation.
This book takes readers on a journey through the ecological treasure trove of Sha Lo Tung - from the Hakka villages dating back 300 years, to its later development, till the conservation efforts of today…
No. of Pages: 120
Language: Chinese
Printing: Full Colour
Price: Not for Sale
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