Dr. CHUI Ho Kwong, Samuel, JP
Director of Environmental Protection
EIA Ordinance Register Office
Environmental Protection Department
(E-mail: eiaocomment@epd.gov.hk)
Green Power, a local charitable green group, would like to draw your kind attention to our comments about the above-captioned Project Profile.
1. Green Power opines that most stretches of B-Line and W-Line are within existing Country Parks, namely Pokfulam and Aberdeen Country Park, and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) of Pok Fu Lam Reservoir Catchment Area and Nam Fung Road Woodland. Their removal will resume the original aesthetics view, restore the natural landscape and largely reduce the environmental and ecological risks associated with repair and maintenance works to these ecologically sensitive areas.
2. However, in construction phase, the site boundary, scale, removal/dismantle methods and reinstatement plans of any temporary access leading to the proposed work areas should be approved by relevant departments/authorities such as AFCD/Country and Marine Park Board and EPD before commencement of works. These access and works areas/sites should not affect species of concerns, mature trees, and should not induce soil erosion. The access should also be restricted to implementation of above-captioned works (the Project) only.
3. Natural fill materials, i.e. soil, should be used to fill up the pits and replanted with native trees to reinstate the area for all the resulting pits from the dismantlement of pylons to natural and geotechnically stable condition. The reinstated sites should be monitored regularly regarding soil erosion and growth conditions of replanted trees. Remedial actions should be taken promptly if any irregularity is identified to prevent further degradation of these reinstated sites, e,g, loss of top soil or vegetation.
4. Temporary access should be avoided as practiceable as possible, especially in woodlands, SSSIs and in vicinity of species of concern, natural streams and catchwaters. Any temporary access and work sites should be reinstated to avoid long-term ecological and environmental impacts, and soil erosion to the satisfaction of relevant departments such as AFCD, EPD, WSD, GEO of CEDD, etc.
5. Felling of trees and unnecessary trimming/pruning of tree branches/canopies should be avoided. No wastewater and chemicals should be spilled and no machineries should be placed on tree roots.
6. Smoking or unauthorized/ unattended fire ignition is forbidden to prevent hill fire. Inflammable materials and chemicals/fuel should not be stored in the works areas. Relevant personnel and workers should be notified in this regard before entering the work areas. Suitable fire-fighting equipment should be in place in the work sites.
7. All personnel and workers of the Project should not poach or collect any wildlife or plants in the works areas and in nearby areas. Night works should be avoided as far as possible and lighting at the sites should be kept to minimum with proper illumination intensity and angle to reduce disturbance to nocturnal wildlife.
8. Any wastewater and/or sewage generated by the Project, if any, should be removed from the works areas/sites and should not be discharged to natural streams or catchwaters to avoid polluting the reservoirs.
9. Wastes, especially food waste, should not be left in the works sites over night to avoid consumption by wildlife. The project proponent should be responsible for removal of any wastes as part of their reinstatement of temporary access and works sites.
10. Hong Kong Trail is a popular hiking trail for public enjoyment, picnicking, hiking, photography, environmental education, trail running and outdoor competition events. precautions have to be paid to ensure the safety of hikers on the trails in vicinity of the works sites.
11. As B-Line and W-Line stride across Section 2, 3 and 4 of Hong Kong Trail, blockage of hiking trails should be avoided during the removal/dismantle works in order not to interrupt the public use and events using the hiking trails, especially Hong Kong Trail.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. For any inquiries, please contact the undersigned at Green Power (T: 39610200, F: 2314 2661, Email: info@greenpower.org.hk).
Yours sincerely,
CHENG Luk-ki
Director, Green Power
Yours sincerely,
CHENG Luk-ki
Director, Green Power