環島行防水袋 "Green Power Hike" Water Proof Bag (10L)
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HK$ 46 

Product Description

尺寸 size:
40cm x 36cm


  • 下單後一律不接受取消 / 更改訂單。
  • 訂購貨品可選送貨(只限香港)或自取。
  • 如選送貨,所有貨品均會以「順豐到付」形式寄送,運費由收件人承擔,並在貨物到達後由收件人自行支付費用給順豐速運。運費不會反映在訂單上,我們亦不會向您收取運費。
  • 如選自取,取貨地點為 綠色力量辦公室(辦公時間:上午9:30至下午1:00;下午2:00至6:00;星期六、日及公眾假期休息)。請於收到由綠色力量發出的領貨通知電郵後,才前往取貨。取貨時請出示領貨通知電郵。


  • 只接受以下情況的換貨:
    • 收到的貨品有損壞(不包括色差問題)
    • 收到的貨品與訂單貨品不符
  • 以上情況亦只接受更換相同款式和尺碼的貨品
  • 所有需辦理換貨的貨品,需保持完好包裝和未曾使用。
  • 自取貨品如沒有在收貨時當場要求換貨,將不作受理。
  • 送貨貨品必須於收到貨品的七天內以電郵提出換貨要求,並出示訂單收據。
  • 運費及/ 或手續費不獲退回
  • 如有任何爭議,本會保留最終決定權。

Ordering Notes:

  • No cancellations or changes to orders are accepted after placing an order.
  • Ordered items can be delivered (Hong Kong only) or picked up in person.
  • If selecting delivery service, all items will be shipped by SF Express. Shipping fees will be borne by the recipient, and the recipient will be responsible for paying the fees to SF Express upon delivery. Shipping fees will not be reflected in the order; and we will not charge you for it.
  • If you opt for in-person pickup, the pickup address will be Green Power office (Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. ; 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.). Please wait until you receive the pickup notification email from Green Power before heading for collection. Please present the pickup notification email during collection.

Return Procedures and Notes:

  • Exchanges are only accepted under the following circumstances
    • The received goods are damaged (excluding color variation)
    • Items received do not match the ordered products
  • Only the exchange for the same style and same size of goods is accepted under the above circumstances.
  • All items requiring exchanges must be kept in good packaging and unused.
  • Self-pick up items that are not requested for exchange on the spot upon receipt will not be processed.
  • All exchange requests must be made via email within seven days of receiving the goods, accompanied by the order receipt.
  • All shipping and handling fees will not be refunded.
  • In case of any disputes, Green Power reserves the right to make the final decision.