Dr. CHUI Ho Kwong, Samuel, JP
Director of Environmental Protection
EIA Ordinance Register Office
Environmental Protection Department
(E-mail: eiaocomment@epd.gov.hk)
Green Power would like to draw your kind attention to our concerns about the above-captioned EIA Report.
1. The alternation of hydrodynamic of Junk Bay should be assessed in view that reclamation of Area 132 will narrow the opening of the Bay and affect the dispersal capability of pollutants in the Bay. Any potential adverse impacts should be adequately mitigated.
2. C&D wastes and soil should not be piled close to seaside to avoid being washed down to sea during rainstorms. Measures such as installation of silt curtains along the reclamation works sites should be implemented to lower impacts of suspended solid generated from the work site during construction phase.
3. Loss of natural shorelines should be avoided and minimized as practiceable as possible. For any unavoidable loss, “like-to-like” compensation should be adopted with abiotic and biotic settings with reference to affected or neighbouring natural shorelines.
4. Any direct and indirect impacts on country park’s ecological, aesthetic and landscape functions should be fully mitigated or compensated.
5. Proposed greening and tree planting in Area 137 and Area 132 should be connected to existing vegetated areas/woodlands/country park to optimize the ecological benefits. Native species are preferrable. Planting density and tree species with extensive canopy should aim at lowering urban heat effect to reduce community’s energy consumption and providing extensive shaded outdoor environment for pedestrian to cope with more frequent extreme hot weather under climate change.
6. Recycling facilities such as Food Waste Recycling Points and Recycling Stores should be allocated in Area 137 to facilitate waste reduction and recycling to establish a low-waste community.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. For any inquiries, please contact the undersigned at Green Power (T: 3961 0200, F: 2314 2661, Email: info@greenpower.org.hk).
Green Power would like to draw your kind attention to our concerns about the above-captioned EIA Report.
1. The alternation of hydrodynamic of Junk Bay should be assessed in view that reclamation of Area 132 will narrow the opening of the Bay and affect the dispersal capability of pollutants in the Bay. Any potential adverse impacts should be adequately mitigated.
2. C&D wastes and soil should not be piled close to seaside to avoid being washed down to sea during rainstorms. Measures such as installation of silt curtains along the reclamation works sites should be implemented to lower impacts of suspended solid generated from the work site during construction phase.
3. Loss of natural shorelines should be avoided and minimized as practiceable as possible. For any unavoidable loss, “like-to-like” compensation should be adopted with abiotic and biotic settings with reference to affected or neighbouring natural shorelines.
4. Any direct and indirect impacts on country park’s ecological, aesthetic and landscape functions should be fully mitigated or compensated.
5. Proposed greening and tree planting in Area 137 and Area 132 should be connected to existing vegetated areas/woodlands/country park to optimize the ecological benefits. Native species are preferrable. Planting density and tree species with extensive canopy should aim at lowering urban heat effect to reduce community’s energy consumption and providing extensive shaded outdoor environment for pedestrian to cope with more frequent extreme hot weather under climate change.
6. Recycling facilities such as Food Waste Recycling Points and Recycling Stores should be allocated in Area 137 to facilitate waste reduction and recycling to establish a low-waste community.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. For any inquiries, please contact the undersigned at Green Power (T: 3961 0200, F: 2314 2661, Email: info@greenpower.org.hk).
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,