

Dr. CHUIHo Kwong, Samuel, JP
Directorof Environmental Protection
EIAOrdinance Register Office
EnvironmentalProtection Department
(E-mail: eiaocomment@epd.gov.hk)

Dear Dr. Chui,
Comments on the Project Profile for Proposed Shooting Range at Kau Wa Keng

Green Power would like to draw your kind attention to our concerns and suggestions about the above-captioned Project Profiles (PP).

1. In order to avoid pollution and disturbance to the natural stream to the east of the Project site, dyke(s) and fence(s) should be installed at the eastern boundary of the Project site before commencement of any works related to the proposed Project.

(a) A solid fence should be erected to prevent refuse from falling/being blown to the natural stream from the Project site.

(b) Any point source and non-point source pollution and site surface runoff generated from the Project site should be prevented from discharging into the natural stream. No outfalls or pipework should be installed in a way that the effluent will be discharged to the natural stream or on the bank of the natural stream.

(c) A dyke/Dykes of height no less than 20 cm should be constructed on the ground to prevent surface runoff and stormwater from discharging into the natural stream.

2. Construction and demolition (C&D) materials, chemical wastes, refuse, etc. should be properly stored, transported, and finally disposed of at the designated facilities. Unauthorized disposal of solid waste should be strictly prohibited and deterrent clauses should be incorporated in the work contracts to monitor and penalize any fly-tipping activities.

3. Relevant personnel and workers should be aware of hillfire hazard related to the works in construction phase before entering the Project site. Suitable fire-fighting equipment should be in place in the work sites.

4. Bird collision on glass wall should be prevented by avoiding the use of large-sized glass surface or taking proper preventive measures, such as applying patterns or stickers on the glass, installing bird deterrent devices or screens, or adjusting the reflectivity or transparency of the glass.

5. Glare impacts from lighting of the proposed project on surrounding areas and wildlife should be minimized, if unavoidable, by adjusting the light intensity and illumination angles, i.e. avoid pointing upwards and outside the Project site.

6. The proposed installation of bullet catchers with rubber curtain target backing and steel plate backstops with containers placed underneath constructed behind the target plates to stop and collect bullet heads should be strictly followed throughout the Project site during operation phase.

7. Daily clearance of all cartridge casing, ammo cases left and collection of bullet heads should be strictly followed with surveillance system. Statutory collectors should be deployed to ensure adequate collection and disposal of collected bullet heads and cartridge with clear records for inspection by relevant authorities. Operation plan for clearance of waste cartridge casing, ammo cases and bullet heads, corresponding storage and disposal should be provided for applying Environmental Permit(s) to avoid land contamination.

Thank you very much for your kind attention. For any inquiries, please contact the undersigned at Green Power (T: 3961 0200, F: 2314 2661, Email: info@greenpower.org.hk).

Green Power would like to draw your kind attention to our concerns and suggestions about the above-captioned Project Profiles (PP).

1. In order to avoid pollution and disturbance to the natural stream to the east of the Project site, dyke(s) and fence(s) should be installed at the eastern boundary of the Project site before commencement of any works related to the proposed Project.

(a) A solid fence should be erected to prevent refuse from falling/being blown to the natural stream from the Project site.

(b) Any point source and non-point source pollution and site surface runoff generated from the Project site should be prevented from discharging into the natural stream. No outfalls or pipework should be installed in a way that the effluent will be discharged to the natural stream or on the bank of the natural stream.

(c) A dyke/Dykes of height no less than 20 cm should be constructed on the ground to prevent surface runoff and stormwater from discharging into the natural stream.

2. Construction and demolition (C&D) materials, chemical wastes, refuse, etc. should be properly stored, transported, and finally disposed of at the designated facilities. Unauthorized disposal of solid waste should be strictly prohibited and deterrent clauses should be incorporated in the work contracts to monitor and penalize any fly-tipping activities.

3. Relevant personnel and workers should be aware of hillfire hazard related to the works in construction phase before entering the Project site. Suitable fire-fighting equipment should be in place in the work sites.

4. Bird collision on glass wall should be prevented by avoiding the use of large-sized glass surface or taking proper preventive measures, such as applying patterns or stickers on the glass, installing bird deterrent devices or screens, or adjusting the reflectivity or transparency of the glass.

5. Glare impacts from lighting of the proposed project on surrounding areas and wildlife should be minimized, if unavoidable, by adjusting the light intensity and illumination angles, i.e. avoid pointing upwards and outside the Project site.

6. The proposed installation of bullet catchers with rubber curtain target backing and steel plate backstops with containers placed underneath constructed behind the target plates to stop and collect bullet heads should be strictly followed throughout the Project site during operation phase.

7. Daily clearance of all cartridge casing, ammo cases left and collection of bullet heads should be strictly followed with surveillance system. Statutory collectors should be deployed to ensure adequate collection and disposal of collected bullet heads and cartridge with clear records for inspection by relevant authorities. Operation plan for clearance of waste cartridge casing, ammo cases and bullet heads, corresponding storage and disposal should be provided for applying Environmental Permit(s) to avoid land contamination.

Thank you very much for your kind attention. For any inquiries, please contact the undersigned at Green Power (T: 3961 0200, F: 2314 2661, Email: info@greenpower.org.hk).

Yours faithfully,


Yours faithfully,

